I Have An Appt On Wednesday With My Neurologist For My Regular Botox Treatment.
I get confused with words. I don’t remember situations with patients on the phone. Anything slightly complicated I have a hard time with unless I write it down. It’s gotten worse over the years. I hit my head in active duty so I don’t know if this is from the medication, migraines, or from hitting my head, or all three. I also use fioricet for emergency migraines. My managers thought I wasn’t caring or wasn’t understanding my job so I had to eventually tell them what was going on which made me… read more
I empathize with you! I'm retired, so probably older than you, but have the same memory issues. I have wondered whether it was the meds or the migraines. Maybe it's both, but it scares and embarrasses me.
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Hello, I've Dealing With Vastibular Migraine And 3pd Symptoms For 7days Now. Medication Not Helping. Any Ideas What I Should Try?
Is There Any Way To Prevent A Migraine?