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Top 9 search results for "Axert" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Would Anyone Like To Share Their Experience With Propranolol?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyMigraineTeam Member

I used to take it with Axert and it worked... and then I had about 13 medications all stop working at once... medication intolerance... the struggle is real. My Neurologist had to start from scratch… read more

Anxiety After Migraines

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

Has anyone ever experienced an anxiety attack right after having a migraine. I’ve never had that happen before until last week, and now every time I get a migraine I’m afraid that I’ll end up getting an anxiety attack too.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have anxiety after my migraine attack with severe vertigo because I am so afraid of having another one. I too am in FL and the weather seems to contribute to my migraines.

Question About Trying Different Type Of Medication?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I was looking into different medication I haven't tried for my migraine and cluster headaches and i found almotriptan (Axert) and Frovatriptan (Frova) and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with these and can guide me on if they are worth me changing to?

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Frova only occasionally worked as a partial preventative if I was going to be around smoke. Smoke (especially cigar) is one of my triggers. On days I want to leave the house, Frova worked to prevent a… read more

What Do You Use For Your Emergency Medicine Bag

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Hi. Bose is the brand I have. I got them as a Christmas gift one year and they are fantastic and comfortable to wear.

Does Anyone Have Lasting Tingling In Cheeckbone, Tongue?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've been taking Axert for migraines for several years now, maybe this is contributing? I noticed tingling during and after a migrane, but now have had persistent pins/needles/tingling in my tongue a week after the last migraine. Also have tingling in my left pinky, and will be talking about this with my GP.

A MyMigraineTeam Member

Not noticed my tongue but my bottom lip tingles just the bottom one. I think it's when my BP and Migraine issues collide? My left leg and foot and hands/fingers have tingles but not sure why.

Has Anyone Heard Of MigraineX?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

"MigraineX, clinically proven to prevent travel and weather related migraine symptoms before they start" They are some sort of ear plug, you can also download an app that tells you when the the air pressure is going to change. I just stumbled upon them while ordering a migraine ice hat. They are not expensive, about $12.00, but it seems that it could be one of those, "if it sounds to good to be true" items.

I'm interested if feedback, both positive and negative.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I use the app and love it. You have to play with alert settings to determine your barometric pressure fluctuation tolerance. I find rapid pressure drops to trigger my migraines much more than when the… read more

Going On Holiday Soon And Struggling With The Sun Need Advice On How To Cope

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I’m off to sunny Spain soon love it I’m only a year in to having regular migraines learning the triggers etc . Since the sun has come out I have struggled to last a day outside with out being in agony by the end of it for days. Does anyone have any advice to help me survive my holiday and not bring the rest of my family down.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Everything mentioned above plus polarized sunglasses. They will take care of he glare of the sun that can be a trigger.

Did Anyone Find That Weaning Off Topomax They Have More Anxiety And Mood Swings?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

This week, i have felt better but my mood has been all over the place. I am laughing one second and crying the next. My anxiety is so bad. I think its because now i am aware of what is happening around me. But i feel more alert and like that part but cant deal with anxiety. Im going to cut out sugar today. I think i could go back to sleep but the time change is going to be rough tomorrow so must stay up!

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Yes, i dropped down from 200mg to 150 mg and am supposed to drop to 125 mg now. Been holding off since i have so much going on with my parents health. I need to reach out to my neuro and let her know… read more

How Do You Know How To Rate Pain?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I'm afraid they'll think I'm hyperbolic. The faces on the chart help me more than coming up with a number. I have OCD, so I get hung up on the exact right number.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

I usually base it on what I'm able to do during the migraine. If it's just a 1-2 then I can go about my day, and feel fine but kind of have a mild migraine that is there in the back of my head. 3-4 i… read more