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Top 10 search results for "Trokendi XR" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Has Anyone Tried Trokendi XR?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I am two months into this prescription, which I know you have to give new medications time, but i am getting back to a point where my migraines are becoming more consistent even though I am still taking this daily. Do yall have any suggestions?

A MyMigraineTeam Member

I am taking Gabapentin and it works. My headaches have subsided. Maybe you should try that.

Is Anyone On An Off-label Anti-depressant For Their Headaches? If Which, Which Medicine?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Duloxetine otherwise known as Cymbalta

Has Any One Taken Venlafaxine Xr And Did It Help? I'm Worried About The 2 Weeks Of Nausea And Possible Side Effects

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

They think I have vestibular migraines, but basically running a test taking the drug since nothing has been diagnosed for what's causing my vertigo.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

According to the knowledge base, 660 people have indicated they have taken Effexor (Venlafaxine). Effexor is an antidepressant of the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) class and is… read more

Has Anyone Had Painful 'salt & Pepper' Tingling From Topiramate?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I recently increased my dosage from 200mg to 300mg a day and the tingly 'salt & pepper' side effect went from mild to kind of painful and uncomfortable especially right after I wake up from a nap or something. I get pretty bad leg cramps periodically and they seem to be associated with this but I'm not sure. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced something similar. I'll be asking my doctor about it fairly soon.

A MyMigraineTeam Member

I have in my hands and feet

Ibuprofen And Hives-other OTC Options?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi-I went to an allergist today after my primary care physician refered me after a weekend of migraines, hives and digestive issues. She thought it might all be related to a food allergy. I found out I had a few food allergies but the main issues seems to be that ibuprofen could be giving me hives. I take ibuprofen often and I have very sensitive skin. I wonder if other people have issues with it and have other OTC painkillers for migraines.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Whole foods and staying away from processed and chemicals seems to be the key. I know I have allergies, primarily to cloves, so it makes sense to me that eating plain food would be good. It does… read more

Have Had Two Vyepti Infusions. Have Not Experienced Any Relief From Migraine Tension Headaches Yet. Is It Still Too Early To Tell?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Once again, y'all. Don't give up so fast! One infusion of ketamine did nothing for me. But by the fourth, I noticed my peripheral neuropathy wasn't buzzing and stinging all damn day. Eventually my… read more

What Are Everyone Symptoms

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyMigraineTeam Member

Ugh--Topamax suppressed my bone marrow. Have you considered Trokendi? Its Topamax in a different formulation. They have a copay program that might help too.

Does Anyone Have Lasting Tingling In Cheeckbone, Tongue?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've been taking Axert for migraines for several years now, maybe this is contributing? I noticed tingling during and after a migrane, but now have had persistent pins/needles/tingling in my tongue a week after the last migraine. Also have tingling in my left pinky, and will be talking about this with my GP.

A MyMigraineTeam Member

Not noticed my tongue but my bottom lip tingles just the bottom one. I think it's when my BP and Migraine issues collide? My left leg and foot and hands/fingers have tingles but not sure why.

How Many Of You Suffer From Depression/anxiety Along With Your Migraines?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

The double dose of Effexor really eliminated the depression and anxiety. The weather is my biggest enemy. I live in the burbs north of Atlanta. One of my daughters lives in North Carolina. She… read more

Has Anyone Have Their Doctor Put Them On Topamax For Migranes?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

They put me on topamax 25mg eventually up to 3 times a day to help with my migraines. Has anyone else tried this? Any weird side effects?

A MyMigraineTeam Member

I am on Trokendi which I have been told is the time release topamax. I have a lot of the side effects that y’all are talking about but I have just chalked it up to my other auto immune disease.