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My Migraine Pain Is Mostly Impending My Left Nostril, Sinus Area Into My Facial Nerve. Has Anyone Found A Sinus Block Surgery Helps?

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyMigraineTeam Member

Peri-neural injection therapy, PIT, developed by Dr. J. Lftogt, of New Zealand , a
Sports Medicine MD, consists of little injections with dextrose D5W concentration, to little nerves under the skin… read more

Migraine Medication Packaging

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

Anyone else get frustrated trying to get into your migraine meds when need it. I had to go to two different rizatriptan today before i could get one open. Once it was 3. Dont they realize in pain and with body not finctioning, easier is better. My poor pill was all crushed up today by the time i got it under my tongue to dissolve. Guess it got in my system quicker.

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A MyMigraineTeam Member

When traveling with migraine medications, it's important to keep them in their original bottles from the pharmacy. This ensures that if customs officials have questions about your pills or search your… read more

Food Odors

A MyMigraineTeam Member asked a question 💭

We live in a small home, and sometimes cook with a slow cooker. Great for healthy meal planning. Hard when an unexpected migraine hits halfway into a meal being cooked. I don't want to stop the cooking process, because my family needs to eat
My essential oils don't block the smell because the space is so small, and I'm struggling to find something that does. Has anyone Had a similar problem or found a solution that blocks smell? I can't cover my face with anything, so a towel soaked in EO's… read more

A MyMigraineTeam Member

I haven't tried this, but my mother in law suggested a dollop of Vicks Vapo Rub under each nostril (if it works for TV detectives in the morgue . . .) We also use a pressure cooker. Much faster… read more