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Being Yourself Is More Than Enough

Posted on May 14, 2018

"After years of feeling like I need to be better, stronger, healthier, and in control, I now know I am enough." -Member of MyMigraineTeam

Members of MyMigraineTeam experience the burden of migraines physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Sometimes we strive to appear healthier than we are to avoid the stigma of migraines. Other times, we experience relief and support from peers who've been in our shoes.

"I'm getting out of the rat race. I'm not hiding my pain anymore. If I'm tired, I'm going to rest. Hearing from others with migraines has taught me that I have to prioritize ME."
-Member of MyMigraineTeam

Here are recent conversations from members on MyMigraineTeam:

"Pretty good day woke up with a migraine but took meds and it settled down. Very grateful!"

"Grateful that although I have frequent headaches lasting several days at a time, for the most part, I can still function with them. The go from mild to worse back and forth sometimes severe but can function if I must. I’m grateful for such a wonderful group."

"I am so grateful for this site, My Migraine Team. There is so much encouragement, understanding, and empathy here. People actually experience what one is going through."

Have you found yourself striving to appear as though you have it all together? Have you discovered ways to surround yourself with others who make you feel that you are more than enough? Share what you've learned in the comments below or directly on

Posted on May 14, 2018

A MyMigraineTeam Member

I get it but never thought I could actually say it out loud. My very small group of supporters already take care of my physical needs, getting ice packs or heat packs or medications and mostly… read more

April 17, 2020
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